The President-Elect shall serve as the primary backup for the Chapter President and shall be mentored by the President to ensure seamless transition of chapter leadership. The President-Elect is the successor to the President who will assist the President with his or her duties of managing the Chapter and assume the role of the chapter president if the president is unable to perform duties for any reason. Duties include:
- Chair a major Chapter initiative.
- Support Vice Presidents with their duties as a de facto committee member as PMI-SWVA events require.
- Assist President with Charter renewal and By Laws revision.
- Represent the president in his or her absence.
- Assume the role of president the year following successful completion of his or her duties in this role (depending on chapter bylaws).
- Assume the role of president if the president is unable to perform duties for any reason.
- Assist the president in his or her duties.
- Oversee the operations committee.
- Serve as member ex-officio with the right to vote on all committees except the nominating committee.
- Develop and implement succession and transition plan.
3-year term consists of: 1 year as President-elect, 1 year as President, 1 year as Past-President.