Dear PMI Southwest Virginia Chapter Members,
The revision to the PMI-SWVA Chapter By Laws has been ratified via a vote of the chapter membership effective November 30, 2022. The changes, made in compliance with the latest PMI By Laws template include the following:
- Updated PMI Logo
- Revisions to Article IV - Membership; Section 1 to General Membership Provisions.
- Added Article V - Chapter Board of Directors;
- Section 2. The Board shall consist of the officers of the SWVA Chapter elected by the membership and shall be members in good standing of PMI and of the SWVA Chapter.
- Section 10: Appointments. If any officer (elected or appointed) position becomes vacant, the Board may appoint a successor to fill the office for the unexpired portion of the term for the vacant position. In the event the President is unable or unwilling to complete the current term of office, the President-Elect shall assume the duties and office of the presiding officer for the remainder of the term. Board may call for a special election by the chapter’s membership to fill the vacant position.
- Basic wordsmithing
The newly ratified By Laws are found below for your review! (MUST be signed in to view)