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PMI-ACP Certification Class!


That really does mean that  now  is the time to get your PMI-ACP ®  certificate. After all, your PMP ®  credential gets you the  interview  but your Agile expertise gets you the  job  so it is simply intelligent risk management to get ahead of that curve!

As you’ve heard, the Chapter is collaborating with GR8PM to bring you a  PMI-ACP ® Exam Preparation  class that includes a  100% Money-back, First-time Pass Guarantee!  And to top it off, John Stenbeck, author of the Amazon #1 Best Seller – the  Agile Almanac  – will be teaching our class!

You do  not  have to be a PMP or a Scrum Master to get great value out of this 1-day seminar with 28 hours of blended-learning instruction and  28 PDUs . It is the best of self-directed study combined with Instructor-led training. The class is on Friday, May 5 th , 2017 so you need to hurry because the  Early Bird  price expires on  Sunday, April, 9th . We have also arranged a Member coupon code (pmiswva0517) for  $100 off  (for a total savings of $200!).

The PMI-SWVA Board is working hard to help you maximize your career. We hope you see this class as evidence of that. Get more info on our website or go to  https://www.gr8pm.com/componen t/virtuemart/view/productdetai ls/virtuemart_product_id/136/ virtuemart_category_id/3  to sign up.


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