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November 2016 Chapter Meeting (FREE!)


WHEN:  November 15, 2016  6:00-8:00 PM
LOCATION:Demoss Hall – Liberty University ROOM 1104
 A Variety of PM and Technology topics
SPEAKER: Emily Cohen, Duane Azarovitz and Darryl Agee


  • 6pm – 6:30pm – Networking (Food provided by TEKSystems from Ledos Pizza)
  • 6:30pm – 8:00pm – A Variety of PM and Technology topics

A variety of technology and project management topics will be covered. Duane Azarovitz, Account Executive for Salesforce will talk about his company – Salesforce – and what it’s like working for a major software development company. Included will be discussion on what current students can expect to experience when it comes to business, technology and project management as they enter the workforce.

Emily Cohen, PMP, will be presenting her talk (which was part of the recent SW Virginia PMI Symposium – on Tools and Solutions to Deliver project and personal productivity success.

Tools such as Trello, Basecamp and Smartsheet will be discussed. This promises to be a fun and VERY practical discussion for professionals and students alike!

We will have an extended Q&A session, so bring your questions!

Speaker Bio:

Duane Azarovitz, Account Executive for Salesforce

Emily Cohen, PMP - Accounts Operations Manager for PowerSchool Group, LLC

Darryl Agee, PMP – IT Project Manager for CBIZ

Room Directions:

Room Location: DeMoss 1104

  • Enter DeMoss Hall from front Entrance on First Floor.
  • Proceed down the hallway, make left, then your first right.
  • Continue straight and there will be a black door on your left that say 1104.

Please use the official Liberty University Map at www.liberty.edu/map

Come down University Blvd and park in front of Demoss or in the Furnace Lot.

Questions? Email us at  webmaster@pmi-swva.org


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