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February 2016 Chapter Meeting


WHEN:  February 9, 2016  6:30-8:00 PM
LOCATION: Hollins University
TOPIC: Overcoming Public Speaking Fears
SPEAKER: Heather Robertson

Heather Robertson will bring knowledge and helpful information regarding Public Speaking. It will be based on the teachings of Toastmasters International. This will be a very interactive workshop and you will be given an opportunity to overcome your fears and participate in a fun event, referred to as table topics. You will learn tips and techniques on how to formulate, express, and sell your ideas. Corporate leaders say the ability to communicate well orally is one of the most important skills their recruiters look for in job candidates Studies have shown that your brain relates public speaking to the same fear as death. It’s time to show your brain that by speaking in front of a crowd, you will be ok…………………

Bio for Heather Robertson:

Heather Robertson has been a member of PMI for 6 years. Previously serving on the PMI SWVA Board for 4 years, serving as President in 2013. Heather is an IT Program Manager of Infrastructure and Operations for Advance Auto Parts, is the Co-Founder of Formlets, an online form building software, Vice President of Membership for Toastmasters and serves on the Guiding Board for the Roanoke Valley Governors School for Science and Technology. Heather is an active volunteer within our community, giving back to others and the profession. One thing she has learned along the way, the better you become with public speaking the more confidence people will have in you. She is actively involved with the Toastmasters and has competed in two competitions and will be the first to tell you that it never gets easy, you just learn techniques to make you better.

Directions to Hollins University

Hollins is located on U.S. Route 11 (7916 Williamson Road), just off Interstate 81 at Exit 146.

Coming from the north on I-81, take Exit 146, turn left onto Plantation Road, go approximately one mile and turn left onto Williamson Road (Route 11 north), go approximately 1/2 mile, turn left into the campus entrance.

Coming from the south on I-81, take Exit 146, turn right onto Plantation Road, go approximately one mile and turn left onto Williamson Road (Route 11 north), go approximately 1/2 mile, turn left into the campus entrance.

From Lynchburg, VA, (Route 460 west), turn right onto Alternate 220 and travel approximately 5 miles to the intersection of Alternate 220 and Route 11, turn left at the stoplight and travel south on Route 11 for 3.5 miles, turn right into the campus entrance.

Direction to Meeting Location and Parking Information

The meetings will be held in the Moody Center.

Upon entering the university, take a left; you will follow this around to the 3rd available parking entrance. A picture diagram is available online: http://www.hollins.edu/about/map.shtml. Parking is allowed in the spots reserved for Faculty and Staff. Signs will be located at the entrance of Moody directing you to the meeting room.

The meeting begins at 6:00pm with a light dinner and networking. Chapter business meeting begins at 6:45 PM and the program runs from 7-8pm.

Questions? Visit our FAQ for paying through PayPal or Email us at  webmaster@pmi-swva.org


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