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Elections for 2017-2018 PMI-SWVA Board of Directors


Board Position




The President-Elect shall serve as the primary backup for the Chapter President, and shall be mentored by the President to ensure seamless transition of chapter leadership.  The President-Elect is the successor to the President who will assist the President with his or her duties of managing the Chapter and assume the role of the chapter president if the president is unable to perform duties for any reason.  The President-Elect shall have the right to vote at the board meetings and shall be counted toward the quorum requirement. The President-Elect shall also perform any other duties as described in the PMI-SWVA Policies and Procedures.

Duties include:

  • Chair one or more major Chapter initiative(s)
  • Support Vice Presidents with their duties as a de facto committee member as PMI-SWVA events require
  • Assist President with Charter renewal and By Laws revision
  • Represent the president in his or her absence
  • Assume the role of president the year following successful completion of his or her duties in this role (depending on chapter bylaws)
  • Assume the role of president if the president is unable to perform duties for any reason
  • Assist the president in his or her duties
  • Oversee the operations committee
  • Serve as member ex-officio with the right to vote on all committees except the nominating committee
  • Assist in the development and implementation of a succession and transition plan

Vice President of Programs

The Vice President of Programs shall be responsible for identifying and maintaining a pipeline of topics and speakers for PMI-SWVA Chapter meetings.   The Vice President of Programs shall also perform any other duties as described in the PMI-SWVA Policies and Procedures.  Duties include:

  • Identify and maintain a pipeline of speakers for the monthly Chapter meetings, the December Dinner Meeting
  • Schedule the speakers and coordinate with the VP Marketing to update the web site
  • Log onto the www.pmi-swva.org web site and check the headcount for the Chapter Meetings in order to order the right amount of food and drinks (within the approved budget)
  • Chair Programs committee and solicit volunteers to help bring food and drinks for the monthly Chapter meetings (within the approved budget)
  • Add program and assign PDUs in the CCR system on www.pmi.org for each meeting and seminar offered by the Chapter; emails certificate to the attendees. 
  • Assist VP Professional Development to help identify speakers for the Professional Development

Vice President of Administration & Secretary

The Secretary and Vice President of Administration shall keep the records of all business meetings of the PMI-SWVA Chapter and meetings of the Board.   The Secretary and Vice President of Administration shall also perform any other duties as described in the PMI-SWVA Policies and Procedures.  Duties include:

  • Schedules the Monthly Board meetings on the 4th Monday starting in January.
  • Reserves meeting room at Hollins University for the quarterly strategic meeting on the 4th Monday in January, April, July, October from 6:30p – 8:30pm and handles WebEx and conference call logistics.
  • Records minutes and action items at each Board meeting.  Distributes minutes to the Board via email or online chapter document repository (i.e. Basecamp, Dropbox, Google Docs, SkyDrive, etc.).

Vice President of Professional Development

The Vice President of Professional Development shall be responsible for identifying and/or developing programs that support and educate PMI-SWVA Chapter members in the discipline of project management. The Vice President of Professional Development shall also perform any other duties as described in the PMI-SWVA Policies and Procedures.  Duties include:

  • Chair the Professional Development Day (PDD) or seminar Committee; maintains cost spreadsheet to ensure the Chapter will make a profit
  • Assist VP Programs with identifying speakers for the December Dinner meeting
  • Assist VP Programs with identifying speakers for the monthly Chapter meetings
  • Responsible for developing a “meeting in a box” as a backup plan in case a speaker cancels at the last minute
  • Coordinates with local colleges to support and advertise their PMP Prep Classes.

Vice President of Marketing & Communications

The Vice President of Marketing and Communications shall be responsible for communicating PMI-SWVA Chapter announcements, news, and events to members and prospective members.  The Vice President of Marketing and Communications shall also perform any other duties as described in the PMI-SWVA Policies and Procedures.  Duties include:

  • Create and send monthly e-blast announcements to the members and non-members in the web site database (targeting two weeks before meeting)
  • Create and send reminders around special events such as elections, professional development day/seminars, and the December dinner meeting
  • Create marketing materials for PMI-SWVA events
  • Order pre-approved promotional items for different events (for example, logo’ed t-shirts for annual Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Day, darts and calendar “give aways”)

Vice President of Technology

The Vice President of Technology shall serve as Webmaster and be responsible for advising the Board on communications and collaboration tools to help manage the Chapter’s business. The Vice President of Technology shall also perform any other duties as described in the PMI-SWVA Policies and Procedures.  Duties include:

  • Maintain and update the www.pmi-swva.org web site as well as chapter social media sites including Linked In, Facebook, and Twitter with monthly Chapter meetings and related tickets, elections, and special events within PMI-SWVA, PMI Region 5 or PMI Global
  • Serve as “editor” for all articles created by other Officers to ensure consistent font type and size
  • Runs synch script against the DEP to update the membership status in the www.pmi-swva.org web site
  • Report Web Analytics for the web site
  • Run user reports  and provide info to VP Membership

Vice President of Membership

The Vice President of Membership shall be responsible for developing and maintaining a PMI-SWVA Chapter membership plan that assures continued growth.  The Vice President of Membership shall also perform any other duties as described in the PMI-SWVA Policies and Procedures.  Duties include:

  • Maintains the official attendance record for chapter meetings and seminars
  • Send the monthly chapter meeting attendance numbers to the VP Marketing for the board meeting metrics review
  • Writes the monthly membership report to the board including current membership levels and changes relative to Region 5 goals
  • Promptly sends PDU information to chapter meeting and seminar attendees
  • Inputs all chapter sponsored events for 3 or more PDUs into the PMI CCR system
  • Responds promptly to PMI and SWVA membership inquiries
  • Chairs the membership committee
  • Reviews DEP for changes in membership (new members, non-renewing members, expired members, potential members)
  • Sends Welcome letter to new PMI-SWVA members
  • Sends Reminder letter to about-to-expire members to renew their membership
  • Sends Follow-up letter to recently expired members
  • Conducts membership drive(s)
  • Facilitates check-in at Chapter meetings: Log onto www.pmi-swva.org web site and download the Attendees list prior to the Chapter meeting or Event
  • Sign in attendees at the chapter meetings
  • Collect money from walk-in attendees or pay-at-the-door pre-registered attendees and forward to VP Finance
  • Maintains and distributes Chapter Membership Flier

Nominations will close on Friday, September 30, 2016, so submit yours today! 

How do I get started?

If you are interested in serving in any of these roles beginning in January 2017, you may nominate yourself…or if you want to nominate someone else that may be interested, please contact the Nominations Committee for details by emailing  electionscommittee@pmi-swva.org .

Why would I want to volunteer for this? 

  • All Board members, both voting and non-voting, earn 10 or more PDUs per year for volunteering
  • It’s an excellent opportunity to hone your leadership skills and gain valuable experience
  • Have input into how the Chapter is managed and serves local PM professionals
  • Increased networking opportunities by working directly with professional colleagues

 What's the commitment? 

  • Board members are required to attend monthly board meetings and typically work an average 15-20 hrs. per month
  • Help deliver the programming and special events offered throughout the year

We are having elections earlier than prior years to make the transition into new roles easier for the newly elected Board members.

For more information about the PMI Southwest Virginia chapter and the Board of Directors, visit us via:


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